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Why Do Women Like To Wear High Heels?

Why Do Women Like To Wear High Heels?

No one can understand the logic of a woman. But it is a fact that whatever they do, they have a justification to it and they can easily justify their point. It is a long debate that why women wear heels. The answer to this simple question is because Men can’t wear heels. If we talk about men, they can go with their joggers and a pair of sneakers and can roam around the world. On the other hand, if we see women, they need a pair of high heels, flats, sandals, sneakers, joggers, boots etc. They want to wear the shoes which best compliment their dress and the occasion.

Women love to wear high heels. They never say no to heels, no matter how much expensive they are. If they like it, they buy it for no specific occasion.

The Reasons of Wearing Heels

Let’s have a look at the reasons of why do women wear heels.

  • Attractive Walk:

Whether it’s a model or a normal girl, she likes to look attractive. The most attractive and appealing thing in women is their walk. Their walk makes them look different. With the heels, they can walk differently. They can do different moves which will surely be liked by the people who has been looking to them. So, it is a big reason that women like to wear heels in different occasions and gathering.

  • Give a Confidence of Being Feminine:

Sometimes, it happens that we have to follow a proper dress code in the office. Like, we have to wear a formal pants and coat like men do. Women start feeling like a man as there is no much difference in their dressing. So, wearing high heels gives them a feeling of being feminine.

  • Dress Code for Office:

It is a culture of almost all the organisations that women have to wear heels when they come to the office. It is mandatory for everyone. No matter, how tall a woman is, she has to adhere this dress code. So, there is no hard and fast rule or limitation to the size of a heel. It depends upon a woman and she can choose the size of a heel for herself according to her comfort level.

  • Everyone Around Wearing it:

It is a culture and natural feeling that we follow what others are doing. We have to do t otherwise; we start looking out of the league. So, everyone is wearing high heels in wedding and we go wearing joggers then it will not surely acceptable.

Buying a comfortable pair of shoes is always a big question. Choosing a good place is hard. EOS is a right choice for women footwear. We have ladies quality shoes from Australia, women’s flat shoes, women’s sandals and high heels shoes at very good prices.